Department Library

Department library

The Department has its own library where frequently referred Texts, Journals, Magazines, Newspapers and Project Reports are kept for the benefit of the students and the faculty.

Total number of  books: 300

International and National level journals


International Journal 

National Journal 

 1 Facility management journal   Indian journal of marketing  
 2 HR Development Review Indian Journal of management
 3 Journal  of  emerging market  finance  Financial risk management journal
 4 South Asia  economic Journal IIMB management review
 5 International journal of Cross culture management  Indian journal of training and development 
 6 Journal of management UDYOG PRAGATI Journal of practicing   
 7 Asia pacific journal of HR Indian Journal of industrial relations
 8 Journal of entrepreneurship  Management accounting
 9 Asia pacific business review   Journal of management research 
 10 AIMS International journal of management   Indian journal of finance
 11 Global review of business and economic research  Journal of organizational behavior  
 12 International journal of reliability, quality management Journal of soft skills and training development  
 13 International journal of management research and technology  Journal of bank management  
 14 International journal of software project and quality  Journal of intellectual property rights  
 15 International journal of logistics and supply chain  Financial planning journal  
 16 IEEE trans on engineering management  Vikalpa